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Now downloading free:Eurostar/Eurobox EB-9000 2CI

Eurostar/Eurobox EB-9000 2CI free download

Satellite tv, digital satellite receivers, satellite descrambler,DVB and other satellite equipment service manual and repair information

File information:
File name:Eurostar Eurobox 9000 2CI.rar
Size:314 kB
Model:EB-9000 2CI 🔎
Descr:Bin file + loader
Group:Electronics > Satellite equipment
Multipart:No multipart

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Decompress result:OK
Extracted files:1
File name Help.TXT

INSTRUCTION FOR SOFTWARE UPLOAD (WIN98 & ME OS) (We advise that you PRINT this for convenience) 1. Check if there is Hyperterminal Program How to check: - Goto Start Menu, then Programs - Next Accessories, then Communication - Under Communication check if there is Hyper Terminal - If you find, goto Procedure number 2 IF YOU DONT FIND - Goto Control Panel, click Add Remove Program - Select Windows Setup - Point the mouse to Communication, then click Details - Then you will see the Programs under Communication - Select the Hyterminal - Press Ok, then Apply - Restart your PC. Open icon Check the setting of the HYPERTERMINAL Direct Using : Com1 or Com 2 etc.. Bits per second : 115200 Data Bits : 8 Parity : None Stop Bits : 1 Flow Control : None 2. Without pressing anything, just plug in (turn ON) the Receiver to AC source connected to the computer using the RS232, notice the HYPERTERMINAL: -if there is a TEXT a coming, that means your PC and the RECEIVER have the Communication. -if NOT, then check the cable maybe the cable that you are using that does not follow the required PIN configuration TRY changing your cable, to ALL PIN CONNECTION. 3. Open the HYPERTERMINAL (Dont TURN-ON the Box yet) 4. Now TURN-ON the Box - this message will appear on the PC Screen ----------------------------------------------------------------- OK install ASC0 INT STI5500(SST)-EUROSTAR FTA-NS Boot Ver 1.00 May 12 2000 at 09:21:47 Select Boot mode ? ... ----------------------------------------------------------------- "dots are coming (10 dots), before it reaches the 10th PRESS letter 'B' in the keyboard. - this message will appear if you press the letter 'B' at once, that’s means the receiver is ready for the DOWNLOAD. ------------------------------------------------------------------ STI5500(SST)-EUROSTAR FTA-NS Boot Ver 1.00 May 12 2000 at 09:21:47 Select Boot mode ? ...Download mode!!! Ram Clear Download ROM image ------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Proceed with the sending of the bin file. 6. Go to TRANSFER file and select SEND. 7. Enter the correct directory an filename of the software to be downloaded, or click BROWSE and select appropriate software file (e.g C:\windows\desktop\...) 8. Then click SEND to start download. 9. Wait until the downoad will be completed, or until all front buttons would LIGHT UP the following message appear. 10. You will notice if the downloading was already finish. You can heard a beep sound on your PC. That means downloading was finish. 11. After the UPGRADE, please SET FACTORY DEFAULT, it is found on the INSTALLATION.

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